SEO Case
Prime Clean

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About The Project:
PrimeClean focuses on CPAP ventilator mask disinfection and 03 disinfection technology research. Their mission is to transform the way PAP users care for their equipment, by providing both innovative and affordable PAP cleaning technology.

Skill Set Used:

PrimeClean is mainly focusing on sales through their website. Their organic search traffic was quite low in performance; many web pages were not shown on the search engine for their primary keywords. We found a huge gap in the search ranking which has to be seriously taken on the first hand to reach the website to the targeted state.
We analyzed the website to find their ranking difficulties and their meta tags were not focused on high searches keywords; our SEO team initiated with new industry-focused and high searches keywords using major tools like Google keyword planner. And then we begin with on-page optimization of the website through Google analytics and Search Console set up. To improve the organic traffic, we created keyword-specific meta tags and optimized Hi tag, Alt tag, canonical tag, and image tags. And also there were some coverage issues on Google Search Console that needs to be fixed.
Sr.No | Keywords | After SEO | Before SEO |
1 | Duck Cloth | 9 | 35 |
2 | Duck Canvas | 8 | 32 |
3 | Cotton Duck | 11 | NA |
4 | Waxed Canvas | 3 | NA |
5 | Waxed Cotton Duck Fabric | 2 | 57 |
6 | Waxed Canvas Fabric Wholesale | 3 | 61 | 7 | Floor Cloth Canvas | 8 | 53 | 8 | Painted Canvas Floor Cloth | 7 | NA |
9 | Sunforger Canvas | 2 | 67 |
10 | Canvas Painting Rolls | 11 | NA |
11 | Waxed Cotton Cloth | 4 | 55 |
12 | Painting Canvas roll Online | 10 | NA |
13 | Heavy Duty Waxed Canvas | 3 | 51 |
We created quality backlinks through social bookmarking, URL submission, classified submission, registration to business websites, Image Submission, Content Marketing, forum posting and blog commenting. We also analyzed the mobile-friendliness of the website and optimized the code to improve the website speed.
Some Quick Stats: